Join me at SEAGRICULTURE 2023

Invited talk on : Industrial aquaculture of sea lettuce (Ulva) – a strong research basis enables the development of a sustainable future crop

I am happy to announce that I am an invited speaker at this year´s Seagriculture conference in Trondheim, Norway. My talk will focus on the large-scale cultivability of sea lettuce and connects important basic research to a thriving seaweed aquaculture industry. I will present our latest research on the sustainable off-shore large-scale cultivation of Ulva, talk about how the harvest time determines the biomass value, and elaborate on suitable nurseries and sound hatcheries in Ulva cultivation. Although, the talk´s main focus lies on applied topics, I will connect it to our latest study on the immense importance of biodiversity research within the genus Ulva to evaluate future resource availabilities and range margins of cultivable Ulva species in the Northern Hemisphere.

Presentation: Aquaculture of sea lettuces is continuously increasing. The high productivity, wide environmental tolerance, as well as the interesting functional and nutritional properties of Ulva biomass are accompanied by its multi-purpose-use in different industrial sectors. Due to the multi-applicable usage of this renewable resource, there is a rapidly growing interest in efficient production technologies to foster a large-scale industrial production of seaweed biomass. This talk will focus on the state-of-the-art research frontier of Ulva aquaculture technologies in the Northern Hemisphere with an emphasize on large-scale oceanic cultivation to enable a sustainable downstream application of Ulva biomass.

Let´s meet in Trondheim and talk some seaweed!